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Mon Jun 12 16:00:00 GMT 2000
/** * Title: ATN<p> * Description: Implements a simpl ATN parser that uses WordNet data * Copyright: Copyright (c) by Mark Watson, 2000<p> * @author Mark Watson * @version 1.2 */ import*; import java.util.*; public class ATN { public ATN() { try { // the following code will read either a local file of a // resource in a JAR file: InputStream ins = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream("wncache.dat"); if (ins==null) { System.out.println("Failed to open 'wncache.dat'"); System.exit(1); } else { ObjectInputStream p = new ObjectInputStream(ins); adj = (Hashtable)p.readObject(); adv = (Hashtable)p.readObject(); noun = (Hashtable)p.readObject(); verb = (Hashtable)p.readObject(); ins.close(); } // Augment the WordNet 1.6 entries: art = new Hashtable(); addWords(art, ARTS); conj = new Hashtable(); addWords(conj, CONJS); det = new Hashtable(); addWords(det, DETS); pron = new Hashtable(); addWords(pron, PRONS); prep = new Hashtable(); addWords(prep, PREPS); // fill in a few common verbs that are not in Wordnet 1.6: verb.put("ran", b); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private Boolean b = new Boolean(true); private void addWords(Hashtable h, String [] ws) { for (int i=0; i<ws.length; i++) { h.put(ws[i], b); } } Hashtable adj, adv, art, conj, det, noun, pron, verb, prep; String [] PRONS = {"he", "she", "me", "it", "you", "I"}; String [] ARTS = {"the", "a", "an"}; String [] CONJS = {"and", "or"}; String [] DETS = {"who", "what", "where", "when"}; String [] PREPS = {"on", "at", "under", "above", "behind", "to", "about","down"}; private boolean checkWord(String word, int type) { if (type == PREP) { if (prep.get(word) != null) return true; } else if (type == VERB) { if (verb.get(word) != null) return true; // some simple kluges to accept words like "likes" when // only "like" is in the lexicon: if (word.endsWith("s") || word.endsWith("ed")) { String s = word.substring(0, word.length() - 1); if (verb.get(s) != null) return true; } } else if (type == NOUN) { if (noun.get(word) != null) return true; } else if (type == CONJ) { if (conj.get(word) != null) return true; } else if (type == ADJ) { if (adj.get(word) != null) return true; } else if (type == ADV) { if (adv.get(word) != null) return true; } else if (type == PRON) { if (pron.get(word) != null) return true; } else if (type == DET) { if (det.get(word) != null) return true; } else if (type == ART) { if (art.get(word) != null) return true; } return false; } public int [] parse(String s) { Vector v = new Vector(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String str = st.nextToken(); if (str.length() > 2 && str.endsWith(",")) { str = str.substring(0, str.length() - 1); } if (str.length() > 2 && str.endsWith(".")) { str = str.substring(0, str.length() - 1); } if (str.length() > 2 && str.endsWith(":")) { str = str.substring(0, str.length() - 1); } if (str.length() > 2 && str.endsWith(";")) { str = str.substring(0, str.length() - 1); } v.addElement(str.toLowerCase()); } // It is easier to work with an array, so convert the Vector // to an array of Java strings: int size = v.size(); if (size == 0) return null; words = new String[size]; partsOfSpeech = new int[size]; num_words = size; for (int i=0; i<size; i++) words[i] = (String)v.elementAt(i); // quick test against lexicon for word types: for (int i=0; i<words.length; i++) { System.out.print("'" + words[i] + "' possible word types: "); if (adj.get(words[i]) != null) System.out.print("adj "); if (adv.get(words[i]) != null) System.out.print("adv "); if (art.get(words[i]) != null) System.out.print("art "); if (noun.get(words[i]) != null) System.out.print("noun "); if (prep.get(words[i]) != null) System.out.print("prep "); if (verb.get(words[i]) != null) System.out.print("verb "); System.out.println(); } System.out.println(); // execute the parsing helper methods until one succeeds: parse_it(); return null; } String [] words; int [] partsOfSpeech; int wordIndex; int num_words; public static void main(String [] args) { ATN nf = new ATN(); if (args.length < 1) { nf.parse("the dog ran down the street"); } else { for (int i=0; i<args.length; i++) { System.out.println("\nProcessing : " + args[i]); nf.parse(args[i]); } } } //////////////// ATN functions: String getPOSname(int pos) { switch (pos) { case 1: return "NP"; case 2: return "VP"; case 3: return "PP"; case 1001: return "noun"; case 1002: return "verb"; case 1003: return "prep"; case 1004: return "conj"; case 1005: return "adj"; case 1006: return "adv"; case 1007: return "pron"; case 1008: return "det"; case 1009: return "art"; default: return "unknown"; } } public final static int NP = 1; public final static int VP = 2; public final static int PP = 3; public final static int NOUN = 1001; public final static int VERB = 1002; public final static int PREP = 1003; public final static int CONJ = 1004; public final static int ADJ = 1005; public final static int ADV = 1006; public final static int PRON = 1007; public final static int DET = 1008; public final static int ART = 1009; public final static int NUM_S = 9; // int [] LEN_S = { 5, 4, 3, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1}; int [] ALL_S [] = { {NP, VP, NP, PP, VP}, {NP, VP, PP, NP}, {NP, VP, NP}, {VP, NP, PP, NP}, {VP, PP, NP}, {NP, VP}, {VP, PP}, {VP, NP}, {VP} }; //////////////// The actual parser: int parsePP(int start_word_index, int word_index) { if (word_index >= num_words) return word_index; // test ATN transitions <PREP> --> <NP> if (checkWord(words[word_index], PREP)) { partsOfSpeech[start_word_index + word_index] = PREP; int ii = parseNP(start_word_index, word_index + 1); if (ii > -1) { return ii; } } return -1; } int parseNP(int start_word_index, int word_index) { if (word_index >= num_words) return word_index; // test ATN transitions <NOUN> --> <CONJ> --> <NP> if (word_index < num_words - 2 && checkWord(words[word_index], NOUN)) { if (checkWord(words[word_index + 1], CONJ)) { int ii = parseNP(start_word_index, word_index + 2); if (ii > -1) { partsOfSpeech[start_word_index + word_index] = NOUN; partsOfSpeech[start_word_index + word_index + 1] = CONJ; return ii; } } } // test ATN transitions <ART> --> <NP> if (word_index < num_words - 1 && checkWord(words[word_index], ART)) { int ii = parseNP(start_word_index, word_index + 1); if (ii > -1) { partsOfSpeech[start_word_index + word_index] = ART; return ii; } } // test ATN transitions <DET> --> <NP> if (word_index < num_words - 1 && checkWord(words[word_index], ADJ)) { int ii = parseNP(start_word_index, word_index + 1); if (ii > -1) { partsOfSpeech[start_word_index + word_index] = ADJ; return ii; } } // test ATN transitions <ADJ> --> <NP> if (checkWord(words[word_index], ADJ)) { int ii = parseNP(start_word_index, word_index + 1); if (ii > -1) { partsOfSpeech[start_word_index + word_index] = ADJ; return ii; } } // test ATN transitions <ADV> --> <NP> if (word_index < num_words - 1 && checkWord(words[word_index], ADV)) { int ii = parseNP(start_word_index, word_index + 1); if (ii > -1) { partsOfSpeech[start_word_index + word_index] = ADV; return ii; } } // test ATN transitions <NOUN> --> <NOUN> if (word_index < num_words - 1 && checkWord(words[word_index], NOUN)) { if (checkWord(words[word_index + 1], NOUN)) { partsOfSpeech[start_word_index + word_index] = NOUN; partsOfSpeech[start_word_index + word_index + 1] = NOUN; return word_index + 2; } } if (checkWord(words[word_index], NOUN)) { partsOfSpeech[start_word_index + word_index] = NOUN; return word_index + 1; } if (checkWord(words[word_index], PRON)) { int ii = parseNP(start_word_index, word_index + 1); if (ii > -1) { partsOfSpeech[start_word_index + word_index] = PRON; return ii; } } if (checkWord(words[word_index], PRON)) { partsOfSpeech[start_word_index + word_index] = PRON; return word_index + 1; } return -1; } int parseVP(int start_word_index, int word_index) { if (word_index >= num_words) return word_index; // test ATN transitions <V> --> <NP> --> <PP> if (checkWord(words[word_index], VERB)) { partsOfSpeech[start_word_index + word_index] = VERB; int ii = parseNP(start_word_index, word_index + 1); if (ii > -1) { int jj = parsePP(start_word_index, ii); if (jj > -1) { return jj; } } } // test ATN transitions <V> --> <NP> if (checkWord(words[word_index], VERB)) { partsOfSpeech[start_word_index + word_index] = VERB; int ii = parseNP(start_word_index, word_index + 1); if (ii > -1) { return ii; } } // test ATN transitions <V> --> <PP> if (checkWord(words[word_index], VERB)) { partsOfSpeech[start_word_index + word_index] = VERB; int ii = parsePP(start_word_index, word_index + 1); if (ii > -1) { return ii; } } if (checkWord(words[word_index], VERB)) { partsOfSpeech[start_word_index + word_index] = VERB; return word_index + 1; } return -1; } int parseHelper(int [] atn, int start_word_index) { int word_index = 0; int len_atn = atn.length; int last_word_index = word_index; for (int i=0; i<len_atn; i++) { last_word_index = word_index; switch (atn[i]) { case NP: word_index = parseNP(start_word_index, word_index); break; case VP: word_index = parseVP(start_word_index, word_index); break; case PP: word_index = parsePP(start_word_index, word_index); break; } if (word_index == -1) return last_word_index; } return word_index; } int parseSentence(int start_word_index) { int max_val = -1; int max_word_index = 0; for (int i=0; i<NUM_S; i++) { int k = parseHelper(ALL_S[i], start_word_index); //System.out.println("Score for ATN " + i + " is " + k); if (k > max_val) { max_val = k; max_word_index = i; } } System.out.println("Best ATN at word_index " + max_word_index); parseHelper(ALL_S[max_word_index], start_word_index); for (int i=0; i<num_words; i++) { if (partsOfSpeech[start_word_index + i] == 0) { if (checkWord(words[i], NOUN)) { partsOfSpeech[start_word_index + i] = NOUN; } if (checkWord(words[i], CONJ)) { partsOfSpeech[start_word_index + i] = CONJ; } } } return max_val; } void parse_it() { int word_index = parseSentence(0); //System.out.println("word_index from S ATN = " + word_index); for (int i=0; i<num_words; i++) { System.out.println(" word: " + words[i] + " part of speech: " + getPOSname(partsOfSpeech[i])); } } }
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