Subject: StringBuffer & String and the shared paradigm... WHY?
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 09:51:44 +0200
From: "Johan Compagner" <>
Organization: Planet Internet


I don't know how many of you guys really knows how String and StringBuffer are working together (through the toString()) but it goes
as this:

When you want a String out of StringBuffer: StringBuffer.toString() is called that one calls the String(StringBuffer) constructor of
There the Char array of the StringBuffer is set as the Char array of string offset = 0, count = stringbuffer.length()
This means that you can have a (worse case) 100% to big char array!
For example the default size of StringBuffer char array = 16 now you add 17 chars to it: then the char array is 16*2+1 = 33.
And then you do toString() so the String of that 17 chars has its 17 chars in a 33 char big array! That's about 100% too much!
So let's say that the average is the waste if using StringBuffer that still means that of all the Strings that are created with a
StringBuffer has an average of 50% waste!

After that there are 2 choices: The StringBuffer is used again, or the StringBuffer is discarded:

Used again:
Then the StringBuffer's array is copied into a new as big as the current one
So you have suddenly 2 big arrays! So in the above example you add 1 char and call to string again: Now you have a second string: 18
chars in a 33 chars array.
So when a StringBuffer is used again this approach is horrible must better is the way of when you call toString() the String makes a
array exactly the size needed and copies the used portion of the array of the StringBuffer into that. After that the StringBuffer
can still use it's own char array and the String has a waste of 0%.

So when using a stringbuffer after calling toString() the shared approach is just wrong.
But if you don't use it again has the shared approach advantages?
The String is still with an average of 50% to big! The one advantage is see is that you don't have to make a new array and then copy
the section.
But does that justify an average of 50% to large array's in all the strings that are made by a StringBuffer (so also the one of str
+= "test";)??

Happily there is a choice when you are working with a StringBuffer:
String str = stringBuffer.substring(0,stringBuffer.length());
This copies the array into a new one and the stringbuffer keeps the current.

Do I miss something?

Johan Compagner