GenGeneralizing Induction Hypotheses
In the previous chapter, we saw a proof that the double function
is injective. The way we start this proof is a little bit
delicate: if we begin it with
intros n. induction n.
all is well. But if we begin it with
intros n m. induction n.
we get stuck in the middle of the inductive case...
Theorem double_injective_FAILED : ∀ n m,
double n = double m →
n = m.
intros n m. induction n as [| n'].
Case "n = O". simpl. intros eq. destruct m as [| m'].
SCase "m = O". reflexivity.
SCase "m = S m'". inversion eq.
Case "n = S n'". intros eq. destruct m as [| m'].
SCase "m = O". inversion eq.
SCase "m = S m'".
assert (n' = m') as H.
SSCase "Proof of assertion".
(* Here we are stuck. We need the assertion in order to
rewrite the final goal (subgoal 2 at this point) to an
identity. But the induction hypothesis, IHn', does
not give us n' = m' -- there is an extra S in the
way -- so the assertion is not provable. *)
What went wrong here?
The problem is that, at the point we invoke the induction
hypothesis, we have already introduced m into the context
intuitively, we have told Coq, "Let's consider some particular
n and m..." and we now have to prove that, if double n =
double m for this particular n and m, then n = m.
The next tactic, induction n says to Coq: We are going to show
the goal by induction on n. That is, we are going to prove that
the proposition
holds for all n by showing
If we look closely at the second statement, it is saying something
rather strange: it says that, for a particular m, if we know
then we can prove
To see why this is strange, let's think of a particular m —
say, 5. The statement is then saying that, if we can prove
then we can prove
But knowing Q doesn't give us any help with proving R! (If we
tried to prove R from Q, we would say something like "Suppose
double (S n) = 10..." but then we'd be stuck: knowing that
double (S n) is 10 tells us nothing about whether double n
is 10, so Q is useless at this point.)
To summarize: Trying to carry out this proof by induction on n
when m is already in the context doesn't work because we are
trying to prove a relation involving every n but just a
single m.
The good proof of double_injective leaves m in the goal
statement at the point where the induction tactic is invoked on
- P n = "if double n = double m, then n = m"
- P O
- P n → P (S n)
- "if double n = double m then n = m"
- "if double (S n) = double m then S n = m".
- Q = "if double n = 10 then n = 5"
- R = "if double (S n) = 10 then S n = 5".
Theorem double_injective' : ∀ n m,
double n = double m →
n = m.
intros n. induction n as [| n'].
Case "n = O". simpl. intros m eq. destruct m as [| m'].
SCase "m = O". reflexivity.
SCase "m = S m'". inversion eq.
Case "n = S n'".
(* Notice that both the goal and the induction
hypothesis have changed: the goal asks us to prove
something more general (i.e., to prove the
statement for *every* m), but the IH is
correspondingly more flexible, allowing us to
choose any m we like when we apply the IH. *)
intros m eq.
(* Now we choose a particular m and introduce the
assumption that double n = double m. Since we
are doing a case analysis on n, we need a case
analysis on m to keep the two "in sync." *)
destruct m as [| m'].
SCase "m = O". inversion eq. (* The 0 case is trivial *)
SCase "m = S m'".
(* At this point, since we are in the second
branch of the destruct m, the m' mentioned
in the context at this point is actually the
predecessor of the one we started out talking
about. Since we are also in the S branch of
the induction, this is perfect: if we
instantiate the generic m in the IH with the
m' that we are talking about right now (this
instantiation is performed automatically by
apply), then IHn' gives us exactly what we
need to finish the proof. *)
assert (n' = m') as H.
SSCase "Proof of assertion". apply IHn'.
inversion eq. reflexivity.
rewrite → H. reflexivity. Qed.
So what we've learned is that we need to be careful about
using induction to try to prove something too specific: If
we're proving a property of n and m by induction on n,
we may need to leave m generic.
However, this strategy doesn't always apply directly;
sometimes a little rearrangement is needed. Suppose, for
example, that we had decided we wanted to prove
double_injective by induction on m instead of n.
Theorem double_injective_take2_FAILED : ∀ n m,
double n = double m →
n = m.
intros n m. induction m as [| m'].
Case "m = O". simpl. intros eq. destruct n as [| n'].
SCase "n = O". reflexivity.
SCase "n = S n'". inversion eq.
Case "m = S m'". intros eq. destruct n as [| n'].
SCase "n = O". inversion eq.
SCase "n = S n'".
assert (n' = m') as H.
SSCase "Proof of assertion".
(* Here we are stuck again, just like before. *)
The problem is that, to do induction on m, we must first
introduce n. (If we simply say induction m without
introducing anything first, Coq will automatically introduce
n for us!) What can we do about this?
One possibility is to rewrite the statement of the lemma so
that m is quantified before n. This will work, but it's
not nice: We don't want to have to mangle the statements of
lemmas to fit the needs of a particular strategy for proving
them — we want to state them in the most clear and natural
What we can do instead is to first introduce all the
quantified variables and then re-generalize one or more of
them, taking them out of the context and putting them back at
the beginning of the goal. The generalize dependent tactic
does this.
Theorem double_injective_take2 : ∀ n m,
double n = double m →
n = m.
intros n m.
(* n and m are both in the context *)
generalize dependent n.
(* Now n is back in the goal and we can do induction on
m and get a sufficiently general IH. *)
induction m as [| m'].
Case "m = O". simpl. intros n eq. destruct n as [| n'].
SCase "n = O". reflexivity.
SCase "n = S n'". inversion eq.
Case "m = S m'". intros n eq. destruct n as [| n'].
SCase "n = O". inversion eq.
SCase "n = S n'".
assert (n' = m') as H.
SSCase "Proof of assertion".
apply IHm'. inversion eq. reflexivity.
rewrite → H. reflexivity. Qed.
Let's look at an informal proof of this theorem. Note that the
proposition we prove by induction leaves n quantified,
corresponding to the use of generalize dependent in our formal
Theorem: For any nats n and m, if double n = double m, then
n = m.
Proof: Let m be a nat. We prove by induction on m that, for
any n, if double n = double m then n = m.
- First, suppose m = 0, and suppose n is a number such
that double n = double m. We must show that n = 0.
- Otherwise, suppose m = S m' and that n is again a number such
that double n = double m. We must show that n = S m', with
the induction hypothesis that for every number s, if double s =
double m' then s = m'.
Exercise: 3 stars (gen_dep_practice)
Carry out this proof by induction on m.Theorem plus_n_n_injective_take2 : ∀ n m,
n + n = m + m →
n = m.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Now prove this by induction on l.
Theorem index_after_last: ∀ (n : nat) (X : Type) (l : list X),
length l = n →
index (S n) l = None.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Theorem: For all sets X, lists l : list X, and numbers
n, if length l = n then index (S n) l = None.
Exercise: 3 stars, optional (index_after_last_informal)
Write an informal proof corresponding to your Coq proof of index_after_last:☐
Exercise: 3 stars, optional (gen_dep_practice_opt)
Prove this by induction on l.Theorem length_snoc''' : ∀ (n : nat) (X : Type)
(v : X) (l : list X),
length l = n →
length (snoc l v) = S n.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Exercise: 3 stars, optional (app_length_cons)
Prove this by induction on l1, without using app_length.Theorem app_length_cons : ∀ (X : Type) (l1 l2 : list X)
(x : X) (n : nat),
length (l1 ++ (x :: l2)) = n →
S (length (l1 ++ l2)) = n.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Exercise: 4 stars, optional (app_length_twice)
Prove this by induction on l, without using app_length.Theorem app_length_twice : ∀ (X:Type) (n:nat) (l:list X),
length l = n →
length (l ++ l) = n + n.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.