This chapter has not
had any significant translation yet.
One of the important recent
realizations is the dramatic value of unit testing.
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This is the process of building
integrated tests into all the code that you create, and running those tests
every time you do a build. Its as if you are extending the compiler,
telling it more about what your program is supposed to do. That way, the build
process can check for more than just syntax errors, since you teach it how to
check for semantic errors as well.
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C-style programming languages, and C++ in
particular, have typically valued performance over programming safety. The
reason that developing programs in Java is so much faster than in C++ (roughly
twice as fast, by most accounts) is because of Javas safety net: features
like better type checking, enforced exceptions and garbage collection. By
integrating unit testing into your build process, you are extending this safety
net, and the result is that you can develop faster. You can also be bolder in
the changes that you make, and more easily refactor your code when you discover
design or implementation flaws, and in general produce a better product, faster.
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Unit testing is not generally considered
a design pattern; in fact, it might be considered a development
pattern, but perhaps there are enough pattern phrases in
the world already. Its effect on development is so significant that it will be
used throughout this book, and thus will be introduced here.
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My own experience with unit testing began
when I realized that every program in a book must be automatically extracted and
organized into a source tree, along with appropriate makefiles (or some
equivalent technology) so that you could just type make to build the
whole tree. The effect of this process on the code quality of the book was so
immediate and dramatic that it soon became (in my mind) a requisite for any
programming bookhow can you trust code that you didnt compile? I
also discovered that if I wanted to make sweeping changes, I could do so using
search-and-replace throughout the book, and also bashing the code around at
will. I knew that if I introduced a flaw, the code extractor and the makefiles
would flush it out.
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As programs became more complex, however,
I also found that there was a serious hole in my system. Being able to
successfully compile programs is clearly an important first step, and for a
published book it seemed a fairly revolutionary oneusually due to the
pressures of publishing, its quite typical to randomly open a programming
book and discover a coding flaw. However, I kept getting messages from readers
reporting semantic problems in my code (in Thinking in Java). These
problems could only be discovered by running the code. Naturally, I understood
this and had taken some early faltering steps towards implementing a system that
would perform automatic execution tests, but I had succumbed to the pressures of
publishing, all the while knowing that there was definitely something wrong with
my process and that it would come back to bite me in the form of embarrassing
bug reports (in the open source world, embarrassment is one of the prime
motivating factors towards increasing the quality of ones code!).
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The other problem was that I was lacking
a structure for the testing system. Eventually, I started hearing about unit
testing and
JUnit[10], which
provided a basis for a testing structure. However, even though JUnit is intended
to make the creation of test code easy, I wanted to see if I could make it even
easier, applying the Extreme Programming principle of do the simplest
thing that could possibly work as a starting point, and then evolving the
system as usage demands (In addition, I wanted to try to reduce the amount of
test code, in an attempt to fit more functionality in less code for screen
presentations). This chapter is the result.
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As I mentioned, one of the problems that
I encounteredthat most people encounter, it turns outwas
submitting to the pressures of publishing and as a result letting tests fall by
the wayside. This is easy to do if you forge ahead and write your program code
because theres a little voice that tells you that, after all,
youve got it working now, and wouldnt it be more
interesting/useful/expedient to just go on and write that other part (we can
always go back and write the tests later). As a result, the tests take on less
importance, as they often do in a development project.
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The answer to this problem, which I first
found described in Extreme Programming Explained, is to write the tests
before you write the code. This may seem to artificially force testing to
the forefront of the development process, but what it actually does is to give
testing enough additional value to make it essential. If you write the tests
first, you:
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if you write the tests first then testing becomes a development tool, not just a
verification step that can be skipped if you happen to feel comfortable about
the code that you just wrote (a comfort, I have found, that is usually wrong).
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You can find convincing arguments in
Extreme Programming Explained, as write tests first is a
fundamental principle of XP. If you arent convinced you need to adopt any
of the changes suggested by XP, note that according to Software Engineering
Institute (SEI) studies, nearly 70% of software organizations are stuck in the
first two levels of SEI's scale of sophistication: chaos, and slightly better
than chaos. If you change nothing else, add automated testing.
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Sanity check for a quick test of the
programs in this book, and to append the output of each program (as a string) to
its listing:
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#: import string, glob, os def visitor(arg, dirname, names): dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(dirname) try: pyprogs = [p for p in glob.glob('*.py') if p != ""] if not pyprogs: return print '[' + os.getcwd() + ']' for program in pyprogs: print '\t', program os.system("python %s > tmp" % program) file = open(program).read() output = open('tmp').read() # Append output if it's not already there: if file.find("output = '''") == -1 and \ len(output) > 0: divider = '#' * 50 + '\n' file = file.replace('#' + ':~', '#<hr>\n') file += "output = '''\n" + \ open('tmp').read() + "'''\n" open(program,'w').write(file) finally: os.chdir(dir) if __name__ == "__main__": os.path.walk('.', visitor, None) #:~
Just run this from the root
directory of the code listings for the book; it will descend into each
subdirectory and run the program there. An easy way to check things is to
redirect standard output to a file, then if there are any errors they will be
the only thing that appears at the console during program execution.
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As mentioned, a primary goal of this code
is to make the writing of unit testing code very simple, even simpler than with
JUnit. As further needs are discovered during the use of this system,
then that functionality can be added, but to start with the framework will just
provide a way to easily create and run tests, and report failure if something
breaks (success will produce no results other than normal output that may occur
during the running of the test). My intended use of this framework is in
makefiles, and make aborts if there is a non-zero return value from the
execution of a command. The build process will consist of compilation of the
programs and execution of unit tests, and if make gets all the way
through successfully then the system will be validated, otherwise it will abort
at the place of failure. The error messages will report the test that failed but
not much else, so that you can provide whatever granularity that you need by
writing as many tests as you want, each one covering as much or as little as you
find necessary.
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In some sense, this framework provides an
alternative place for all those print statements Ive
written and later erased over the years.
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To create a set of tests, you start by
making a static inner class inside the class you wish to test (your test
code may also test other classes; its up to you). This test code is
distinguished by inheriting from UnitTest:
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# # The basic unit testing class class UnitTest: static String testID static List errors = ArrayList() # Override cleanup() if test object # creation allocates non-memory # resources that must be cleaned up: def cleanup(self): # Verify the truth of a condition: protected final void affirm(boolean condition){ if(!condition) errors.add("failed: " + testID) # :~
The only testing method [[ So
far ]] is
affirm( )[11],
which is protected so that it can be used from the inheriting class. All
this method does is verify that something is true. If not, it adds an
error to the list, reporting that the current test (established by the static
testID, which is set by the test-running program that you shall see shortly)
has failed. Although this is not a lot of informationyou might also wish
to have the line number, which could be extracted from an exceptionit may
be enough for most situations.
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Unlike JUnit (which uses
setUp( ) and tearDown( ) methods), test objects will be
built using ordinary Python construction. You define the test objects by
creating them as ordinary class members of the test class, and a new test class
object will be created for each test method (thus preventing any problems that
might occur from side effects between tests). Occasionally, the creation of a
test object will allocate non-memory resources, in which case you must override
cleanup( ) to release those resources.
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Writing tests becomes very simple.
Heres an example that creates the necessary static inner class and
performs trivial tests:
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# # Creating a test class TestDemo: private static int objCounter = 0 private int id = ++objCounter public TestDemo(String s): print (s + ": count = " + id) def close(self): print ("Cleaning up: " + id) def someCondition(self): return 1 public static class Test(UnitTest): TestDemo test1 = TestDemo("test1") TestDemo test2 = TestDemo("test2") def cleanup(self): test2.close() test1.close() def testA(self): print TestDemo.testA affirm(test1.someCondition()) def testB(self): print TestDemo.testB affirm(test2.someCondition()) affirm(TestDemo.objCounter != 0) # Causes the build to halt: #! public void test3(): affirm(0) # :~
The test3( )
method is commented out because, as youll see, it causes the automatic
build of this books source-code tree to stop.
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You can name your inner class anything
youd like; the only important factor is that it extends UnitTest.
You can also include any necessary support code in other methods. Only public
methods that take no arguments and return void will be treated as
tests (the names of these methods are also not constrained).
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The above test class creates two
instances of TestDemo. The TestDemo constructor prints something,
so that we can see it being called. You could also define a default constructor
(the only kind that is used by the test framework), although none is necessary
here. The TestDemo class has a close( ) method which suggests
it is used as part of object cleanup, so this is called in the overridden
cleanup( ) method in Test.
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The testing methods use the
affirm( ) method to validate expressions, and if there is a failure
the information is stored and printed after all the tests are run. Of course,
the affirm( ) arguments are usually more complicated than this;
youll see more examples throughout the rest of this book.
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Notice that in testB( ), the
private field objCounter is accessible to the testing
codethis is because Test has the permissions of an inner class.
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You can see that writing test code
requires very little extra effort, and no knowledge other than that used for
writing ordinary classes.
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To run the tests, you use (which will be introduced shortly). The command for the
above code looks like this:
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java com.bruceeckel.test.RunUnitTests
It produces the following
test1: count = 1 test2: count = 2 TestDemo.testA Cleaning up: 2 Cleaning up: 1 test1: count = 3 test2: count = 4 TestDemo.testB Cleaning up: 4 Cleaning up: 3
All the output is
noise as far as the success or failure of the unit testing is concerned. Only if
one or more of the unit tests fail does the program returns a non-zero value to
terminate the make process after the error messages are produced. Thus,
you can choose to produce output or not, as it suits your needs, and the test
class becomes a good place to put any printing code you might needif you
do this, you tend to keep such code around rather than putting it in and
stripping it out as is typically done with tracing code.
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If you need to add a test to a class
derived from one that already has a test class, its no problem, as you
can see here:
# # Inheriting from a class that # already has a test is no problem. class TestDemo2(TestDemo): public TestDemo2(String s): .__init__(s) # You can even use the same name # as the test class in the base class: public static class Test(UnitTest): def testA(self): print TestDemo2.testA affirm(1 + 1 == 2) def testB(self): print TestDemo2.testB affirm(2 * 2 == 4) # :~
Even the name of the inner
class can be the same. In the above code, all the assertions are always true so
the tests will never fail.
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The unit test examples so far are what
are traditionally called white-box tests. This means that the test
code has complete access to the internals of the class thats being tested
(so it might be more appropriately called transparent box
testing). White-box testing happens automatically when you make the unit test
class as an inner class of the class being tested, since inner classes
automatically have access to all their outer class elements, even those that are
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A possibly more common form of testing is
black-box testing, which refers to treating the class under test as an
impenetrable box. You cant see the internals; you can only access the
public portions of the class. Thus, black-box testing corresponds more
closely to functional testing, to verify the methods that the client programmer
is going to use. In addition, black-box testing provides a minimal instruction
sheet to the client programmer in the absence of all other
documentation, the black-box tests at least demonstrate how to make basic calls
to the public class methods.
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To perform black-box tests using the
unit-testing framework presented in this book, all you need to do is create your
test class as a global class instead of an inner class. All the other rules are
the same (for example, the unit test class must be public, and derived
from UnitTest).
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Theres one other caveat, which
will also provide a little review of Java packages. If you want to be completely
rigorous, you must put your black-box test class in a separate directory than
the class it tests, otherwise it will have package access to the elements of the
class being tested. That is, youll be able to access protected and
friendly elements of the class being tested. Heres an example:
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# class Testable: private void f1(): def f2(self): # "Friendly": package access def f3(self): # Also package access def f4(self): # :~
Normally, the only method that
should be directly accessible to the client programmer is f4( ).
However, if you put your black-box test in the same directory, it automatically
becomes part of the same package (in this case, the default package since none
is specified) and then has inappropriate access:
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# class TooMuchAccess(UnitTest): Testable tst = Testable() def test1(self): tst.f2() # Oops! tst.f3() # Oops! tst.f4() # OK # :~
You can solve the problem by
moving into its own subdirectory, thereby putting it in
its own default package (thus a different package from Of
course, when you do this, then Testable must be in its own package, so
that it can be imported (note that it is also possible to import a
package-less class by giving the class name in the import
statement and ensuring that the class is in your CLASSPATH):
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# package c02.testable class Testable: private void f1(): def f2(self): # "Friendly": package access def f3(self): # Also package access def f4(self): # :~
Heres the black-box test
in its own package, showing how only public methods may be called:
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# class BlackBoxTest(UnitTest): Testable tst = Testable() def test1(self): #! tst.f2() # Nope! #! tst.f3() # Nope! tst.f4() # Only public methods available # :~
Note that the above program is
indeed very similar to the one that the client programmer would write to use
your class, including the imports and available methods. So it does make a good
programming example. Of course, its easier from a coding standpoint to
just make an inner class, and unless youre ardent about the need for
specific black-box testing you may just want to go ahead and use the inner
classes (with the knowledge that if you need to you can later extract the inner
classes into separate black-box test classes, without too much effort).
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The program that runs the tests makes
significant use of reflection so that writing the tests can be simple for the
client programmer.
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# # Discovering the unit test # class and running each test. class RunUnitTests: public static void require(boolean requirement, String errmsg): if(!requirement): System.err.println(errmsg) System.exit(1) def main(self, String[] args): require(args.length == 1, "Usage: RunUnitTests qualified-class") try: Class c = Class.forName(args[0]) # Only finds the inner classes # declared in the current class: Class[] classes = c.getDeclaredClasses() Class ut = null for(int j = 0 j < classes.length j++): # Skip inner classes that are # not derived from UnitTest: if(!UnitTest.class. isAssignableFrom(classes[j])) continue ut = classes[j] break # Finds the first test class only # If it found an inner class, # that class must be static: if(ut != null) require( Modifier.isStatic(ut.getModifiers()), "inner UnitTest class must be static") # If it couldn't find the inner class, # maybe it's a regular class (for black- # box testing: if(ut == null) if(UnitTest.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) ut = c require(ut != null, "No UnitTest class found") require( Modifier.isPublic(ut.getModifiers()), "UnitTest class must be public") Method[] methods = ut.getDeclaredMethods() for(int k = 0 k < methods.length k++): Method m = methods[k] # Ignore overridden UnitTest methods: if(m.getName().equals("cleanup")) continue # Only public methods with no # arguments and void return # types will be used as test code: if(m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getReturnType() == void.class && Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers())): # The name of the test is # used in error messages: UnitTest.testID = m.getName() # A instance of the # test object is created and # cleaned up for each test: Object test = ut.newInstance() m.invoke(test, Object[0]) ((UnitTest)test).cleanup() catch(Exception e): e.printStackTrace(System.err) # Any exception will return a nonzero # value to the console, so that # 'make' will abort: System.err.println("Aborting make") System.exit(1) # After all tests in this class are run, # display any results. If there were errors, # abort 'make' by returning a nonzero value. if(UnitTest.errors.size() != 0): Iterator it = UnitTest.errors.iterator() while(it.hasNext()) System.err.println( System.exit(1) # :~
[11] I
had originally called this assert(), but that word became reserved in JDK
1.4 when assertions were added to the language.