10: Callbacks

Decoupling code behavior
Observer, and a category of callbacks called “multiple dispatching (not in Design Patterns)” including the Visitor from Design Patterns.


Like the other forms of callback, this contains a hook point where you can change code. The difference is in the observer’s completely dynamic nature. It is often used for the specific case of changes based on other object’s change of state, but is also the basis of event management. Anytime you want to decouple the source of the call from the called code in a completely dynamic way.
The observer pattern solves a fairly common problem: What if a group of objects needs to update themselves when some object changes state? This can be seen in the “model-view” aspect of Smalltalk’s MVC (model-view-controller), or the almost-equivalent “Document-View Architecture.” Suppose that you have some data (the “document”) and more than one view, say a plot and a textual view. When you change the data, the two views must know to update themselves, and that’s what the observer facilitates. It’s a common enough problem that its solution has been made a part of the standard java.util library.
There are two types of objects used to implement the observer pattern in Java. The Observable class keeps track of everybody who wants to be informed when a change happens, whether the “state” has changed or not. When someone says “OK, everybody should check and potentially update themselves,” the Observable class performs this task by calling the notifyObservers( ) method for each one on the list. The notifyObservers( ) method is part of the base class Observable.
There are actually two “things that change” in the observer pattern: the quantity of observing objects and the way an update occurs. That is, the observer pattern allows you to modify both of these without affecting the surrounding code.
Observer is an “interface” class that only has one member function, update( ). This function is called by the object that’s being observed, when that object decides its time to update all its observers. The arguments are optional; you could have an update( ) with no arguments and that would still fit the observer pattern; however this is more general—it allows the observed object to pass the object that caused the update (since an Observer may be registered with more than one observed object) and any extra information if that’s helpful, rather than forcing the Observer object to hunt around to see who is updating and to fetch any other information it needs.
The “observed object” that decides when and how to do the updating will be called the Observable.
Observable has a flag to indicate whether it’s been changed. In a simpler design, there would be no flag; if something happened, everyone would be notified. The flag allows you to wait, and only notify the Observers when you decide the time is right. Notice, however, that the control of the flag’s state is protected, so that only an inheritor can decide what constitutes a change, and not the end user of the resulting derived Observer class.
Most of the work is done in notifyObservers( ). If the changed flag has not been set, this does nothing. Otherwise, it first clears the changed flag so repeated calls to notifyObservers( ) won’t waste time. This is done before notifying the observers in case the calls to update( ) do anything that causes a change back to this Observable object. Then it moves through the set and calls back to the update( ) member function of each Observer.
At first it may appear that you can use an ordinary Observable object to manage the updates. But this doesn’t work; to get an effect, you must inherit from Observable and somewhere in your derived-class code call setChanged( ). This is the member function that sets the “changed” flag, which means that when you call notifyObservers( ) all of the observers will, in fact, get notified. Where you call setChanged( ) depends on the logic of your program.

Observing flowers

Here is an example of the observer pattern:
//: c10:ObservedFlower.java
// Demonstration of "observer" pattern.
import java.util.*;
import com.bruceeckel.test.*;

class Flower {
  private boolean isOpen;
  private OpenNotifier oNotify = 
    new OpenNotifier();
  private CloseNotifier cNotify = 
    new CloseNotifier();
  public Flower() { isOpen = false; }
  public void open() { // Opens its petals
    isOpen = true;
  public void close() { // Closes its petals
    isOpen = false;
  public Observable opening() { return oNotify; }
  public Observable closing() { return cNotify; }
  private class OpenNotifier extends Observable {
    private boolean alreadyOpen = false;
    public void notifyObservers() {
      if(isOpen && !alreadyOpen) {
        alreadyOpen = true;
    public void close() { alreadyOpen = false; }
  private class CloseNotifier extends Observable{
    private boolean alreadyClosed = false;
    public void notifyObservers() {
      if(!isOpen && !alreadyClosed) {
        alreadyClosed = true;
    public void open() { alreadyClosed = false; }

class Bee {
  private String name;
  private OpenObserver openObsrv = 
    new OpenObserver();
  private CloseObserver closeObsrv = 
    new CloseObserver();
  public Bee(String nm)  { name = nm; }
  // An inner class for observing openings:
  private class OpenObserver implements Observer{
    public void update(Observable ob, Object a) {
      System.out.println("Bee " + name 
        + "'s breakfast time!");
  // Another inner class for closings:
  private class CloseObserver implements Observer{
    public void update(Observable ob, Object a) {
      System.out.println("Bee " + name 
        + "'s bed time!");
  public Observer openObserver() { 
    return openObsrv; 
  public Observer closeObserver() { 
    return closeObsrv;

class Hummingbird {
  private String name;
  private OpenObserver openObsrv = 
    new OpenObserver();
  private CloseObserver closeObsrv = 
    new CloseObserver();
  public Hummingbird(String nm) { name = nm; }
  private class OpenObserver implements Observer{
    public void update(Observable ob, Object a) {
      System.out.println("Hummingbird " + name 
        + "'s breakfast time!");
  private class CloseObserver implements Observer{
    public void update(Observable ob, Object a) {
      System.out.println("Hummingbird " + name 
        + "'s bed time!");
  public Observer openObserver() { 
    return openObsrv; 
  public Observer closeObserver() { 
    return closeObsrv;

public class ObservedFlower extends UnitTest {
  Flower f = new Flower();
    ba = new Bee("A"), 
    bb = new Bee("B");
    ha = new Hummingbird("A"), 
    hb = new Hummingbird("B");
  public void test() {
    // Hummingbird B decides to sleep in:
    // A change that interests observers:
    f.open(); // It's already open, no change.
    // Bee A doesn't want to go to bed:
    f.close(); // It's already closed; no change
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    new ObservedFlower().test();
} ///:~
The events of interest are that a Flower can open or close. Because of the use of the inner class idiom, both these events can be separately observable phenomena. OpenNotifier and CloseNotifier both inherit Observable, so they have access to setChanged( ) and can be handed to anything that needs an Observable.
The inner class idiom also comes in handy to define more than one kind of Observer, in Bee and Hummingbird, since both those classes may want to independently observe Flower openings and closings. Notice how the inner class idiom provides something that has most of the benefits of inheritance (the ability to access the private data in the outer class, for example) without the same restrictions.
In main( ), you can see one of the prime benefits of the observer pattern: the ability to change behavior at run time by dynamically registering and un-registering Observers with Observables.
If you study the code above you’ll see that OpenNotifier and CloseNotifier use the basic Observable interface. This means that you could inherit other completely different Observer classes; the only connection the Observers have with Flowers is the Observer interface.

A visual example of observers

The following example is similar to the ColorBoxes example from Chapter 14 in Thinking in Java, 2nd Edition. Boxes are placed in a grid on the screen and each one is initialized to a random color. In addition, each box implements the Observer interface and is registered with an Observable object. When you click on a box, all of the other boxes are notified that a change has been made because the Observable object automatically calls each Observer object’s update( ) method. Inside this method, the box checks to see if it’s adjacent to the one that was clicked, and if so it changes its color to match the clicked box.
//: c10:BoxObserver.java
// Demonstration of Observer pattern using
// Java's built-in observer classes.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.bruceeckel.swing.*;

// You must inherit a new type of Observable:
class BoxObservable extends Observable {
  public void notifyObservers(Object b) {
    // Otherwise it won't propagate changes:

public class BoxObserver extends JFrame {
  Observable notifier = new BoxObservable();
  public BoxObserver(int grid) {
    setTitle("Demonstrates Observer pattern");
    Container cp = getContentPane();
    cp.setLayout(new GridLayout(grid, grid));
    for(int x = 0; x < grid; x++)
      for(int y = 0; y < grid; y++)
        cp.add(new OCBox(x, y, notifier));
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int grid = 8;
    if(args.length > 0)
      grid = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    JFrame f = new BoxObserver(grid);
    f.setSize(500, 400);
    // JDK 1.3:
    // Add a WindowAdapter if you have JDK 1.2

class OCBox extends JPanel implements Observer {
  Observable notifier;
  int x, y; // Locations in grid
  Color cColor = newColor();
  static final Color[] colors = { 
    Color.black, Color.blue, Color.cyan, 
    Color.darkGray, Color.gray, Color.green,
    Color.lightGray, Color.magenta, 
    Color.orange, Color.pink, Color.red, 
    Color.white, Color.yellow 
  static final Color newColor() {
    return colors[
      (int)(Math.random() * colors.length)
  OCBox(int x, int y, Observable notifier) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.notifier = notifier;
    addMouseListener(new ML());
  public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    Dimension s = getSize();
    g.fillRect(0, 0, s.width, s.height);
  class ML extends MouseAdapter {
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
  public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
    OCBox clicked = (OCBox)arg;
    if(nextTo(clicked)) {
      cColor = clicked.cColor;
  private final boolean nextTo(OCBox b) {
    return Math.abs(x - b.x) <= 1 && 
           Math.abs(y - b.y) <= 1;
} ///:~
When you first look at the online documentation for Observable, it’s a bit confusing because it appears that you can use an ordinary Observable object to manage the updates. But this doesn’t work; try it—inside BoxObserver, create an Observable object instead of a BoxObservable object and see what happens: nothing. To get an effect, you must inherit from Observable and somewhere in your derived-class code call setChanged( ). This is the method that sets the “changed” flag, which means that when you call notifyObservers( ) all of the observers will, in fact, get notified. In the example above setChanged( ) is simply called within notifyObservers( ), but you could use any criterion you want to decide when to call setChanged( ).
BoxObserver contains a single Observable object called notifier, and every time an OCBox object is created, it is tied to notifier. In OCBox, whenever you click the mouse the notifyObservers( ) method is called, passing the clicked object in as an argument so that all the boxes receiving the message (in their update( ) method) know who was clicked and can decide whether to change themselves or not. Using a combination of code in notifyObservers( ) and update( ) you can work out some fairly complex schemes.
It might appear that the way the observers are notified must be frozen at compile time in the notifyObservers( ) method. However, if you look more closely at the code above you’ll see that the only place in BoxObserver or OCBox where you're aware that you’re working with a BoxObservable is at the point of creation of the Observable object—from then on everything uses the basic Observable interface. This means that you could inherit other Observable classes and swap them at run time if you want to change notification behavior then.


  1. Create a minimal Observer-Observable design in two classes. Just create the bare minimum in the two classes, then demonstrate your design by creating one Observable and many Observers, and cause the Observable to update the Observers.
  2. Modify BoxObserver.java to turn it into a simple game. If any of the squares surrounding the one you clicked is part of a contiguous patch of the same color, then all the squares in that patch are changed to the color you clicked on. You can configure the game for competition between players or to keep track of the number of clicks that a single player uses to turn the field into a single color. You may also want to restrict a player's color to the first one that was chosen.

[email protected] Last Update:09/08/2001