Thu Mar 11 06:21:23 GMT 2010 as400java toolbox FAQ - bible of AS400 -[..]4r5/ic2924/index.htm?info/rzahgictoc.htm CRTLIB - create library CRTSRCPF - Create Source Physical File WRKMBRPDM - work with members using PDM STRACMS - SCM ( aldon lifecycle manager for iseries ) QSQLSRC - Source File for create table WRKSPLF - check Job status STRJRNPF - start Journal a change of a file to another -[..]r2/ic2928/index.htm?info/cl/strjrnpf.htm DSPFFD, UFFD - check table schema, Display File Field Description (DSPFFD) WRKOBJ - find object under a library, e.g. : wrkobj qgpl/rst* *file CHGCURDIR - ction or command e.g. : CHGCURDIR dir('$DEVKW3') DSPFD - show journal status of the file SBMBENJOB - submit ben job DSPSYSVAL SYSVAL(QTIME) WRKJOB Q_JREIS STRISDB - start debugger, e.g. : CALL PGM(*LIBL/CLRS_LST) PARM( '/HOME/ISCY1/' 'RSTLSTTAK' '1.6') edtlibl - edit library list common library for code - $PRDSRCBEN/QCSRC $PRDSRCBEN/H $PRDSRCBEN/QCBLLESRC $PRDSRCBEN/QCBLSRC $PRDSRCBEN/QDDSSRC common library for sql - $PRDOBJBEN , $REFDTAREP common library for script - $PRDSRCBEN/QTXTSRC $PRDSRCBEN/QCSRC COSOMSVAL F23=more options (shift + F11 = F23) F24=More keys F4 = drop down kind of prompt 6:57:06 PM: Carfield W Yim/: hi... just get distracted by a call... now I created a member.... then I edit it and put the create table scripts there. However, it only allow me to put 18 lines, is that normal? 6:57:52 PM: Srikanth X Krishnaswamy/: type in the letter 'I' followed by 10 in the first column- inserts 10 lines 7:15:26 PM: Srikanth X Krishnaswamy/: Nope; I10 on the line that says 0018.00; start from the first 0 Global search 3:44:08 PM: Srikanth X Krishnaswamy/: wrkmbrpdm 3:44:29 PM: Srikanth X Krishnaswamy/: use the right source ($vvv/bbb) for example 3:44:57 PM: Srikanth X Krishnaswamy/: Option 25, hit F13 to replicate this option on all source members 3:47:36 PM: Carfield W Yim/: and how to run F13? 3:50:56 PM: Srikanth X Krishnaswamy/: shirt+F1 5:42:01 PM: Srikanth X Krishnaswamy/: Connection > Configure > 27x132 columns (google search) (amazon search) second |