Tue Jan 31 09:20:24 GMT 2023 reading智能手機時代的速讀技術 - http://cn.wsj.com/big5/20140416/lif115306.asp?source=rss Fun testing - http://projects.wsj.com/speedread/?mod=readin Fun information, text layout related to speed of reading: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000618.html Martin fowler discuss about the skill of how to read/write a big big book http://martinfowler.com/bliki/DuplexBook.html , more discussion - http://blog.jayfields.com/2007/06/reading-technical-books.html 關掉手機 享受慢閱讀的樂趣 - http://cn.wsj.com/big5/20141004/lif105708.asp?source=rss 这里有一个原则同学们要记住:不重要的学术作品大可不读,但重要的要反复重读,读多遍。不要相信重要作品的简化阐释,因为作者究竟怎样想我们不可能从简化的阐释中学到。 - http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_47841af70102ux5w.html Rarely will I get through every section of every book. The idea is to create a kind of dialogue among the authors, identifying points of overlap and difference. Very often, the ideas from one book will trigger ideas that have you scouring the other books for elaboration. The mixture of ideas from several books will lead to a thought that is not contained in any of the books. When you read in parallel, it's like being in the room while the authors are conversing. The intersecting of ideas almost always stimulates fresh ways of thinking about (and applying) the topic at hand. - http://traderfeed.blogspot.hk[..]ding-in-parallel-becoming-better-at.html Read for communication - http://cn.wsj.com/big5/20170210/OPN170636.asp https://qz.com[..]this-year-according-to-harvard-research/ 在第一遍阅读时,你并不需要理解一个冗长计算的所有步骤。相反,默认它们是正确的,跳过它们,深入阅读关键的步骤。读公式之间的文字描述,读实验结果,读结论。当你大致明白了文章所谈论的东西之后,你再决定是否把时间花费在代数部分。不要在看不懂的步骤上花太多时间。当你以后有空时,可以重复阅读来慢慢理解它们。 - http://www.infoq.com[..]/2017/08/how-Read-machine-earning-papers https://www.reddit.com[..]achine_learning/?st=j6lm438g&sh=b1d9eba7 Reading to Learn: Why You Shouldn’t Read Beginning-to-End and What to do Instead - https://medium.com[..]-end-and-what-to-do-instead-4ab613e9a41d I divided the day into four four-hour periods, of which I would be reading in three of the four-hour periods, and free one of them - https://betterhumans.coach.me[..]of-my-scholarship-and-study-68d1c35dd0d5 How And Why To Keep A “Commonplace Book” - https://ryanholiday.net/how-and-why-to-keep-a-commonplace-book/ So is there a way to speed up how quickly we can comprehend a word? When we read our inner voice sometimes vocalises the words in our head, and some suspect that this might slow us down. Could banishing that voice make a difference? Not necessarily. Internal vocalising might be helping us to understand what’s happening, according to research by eye-tracking psychologist Mallorie Leinenger. But the good news is that there is a way of learning to read faster, and that is to practise. Again, we are not just limited by our vision. What matters is how fast you can identify a word – a process that is faster when the word is more familiar. So the more you read, the faster you can get. - https://www.bbc.com[..]icle/20191129-how-to-learn-to-speed-read Make note, finish it, and keep it as habit - https://medium.com[..]es-will-change-how-you-read-15f3c574bef2 You remeber it only if you explain to someone else - https://medium.com[..]-you-remember-what-you-read-f0bce8cc4c43 Cunningham, whose daughter has also recently started learning to read, has a reassuringly generous view of the ideal reading age: "It doesn't matter whether you start to read at four or five or six as long as the method they are taught is a good, evidenced method. Children are so resilient they will find opportunities to play in any context." - https://www.bbc.com[..]220228-the-best-age-for-learning-to-read https://www.webmd.com[..]/features/benefits-of-reading-before-bed My Workflow for Reading Scientific Papers - https://betterhumans.pub[..]r-reading-scientific-papers-d4b27dbb38a6 讀了書、寫了筆記,為何無法學以致用?這招能驗證你是否有「讀進去」 - https://www.inside.com.tw/article/30547-how-to-read (google search) (amazon search) second |