Thu Apr 27 12:45:04 GMT 2023 waterThe temperature-driven change in the mobility of water molecules on the surface perfectly matches how ice’s friction coefficient changes with temperature — the more mobility at the surface, the lower the friction. - “As the physicist Richard Feynman predicted, the solution was not to be found in new equations, but rather within the equation that was already available to us,” explained Tobias Schneider, author of the new study. “Until now, researchers didn’t have powerful enough mathematical tools to verify this.”-[..]ws-science/turbulent-fluid-flow-28052019 Even in desert air, a single kilogram of this cheap gel was able to capture more than 6 liters of water per day. -[..]rinking-water-literally-out-of-thin-air/ Mind The Water Gap, Mapping the world’s water shortages - Is water wet? It’s … not really that straightforward - (google search) (amazon search) second |