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Sat May 03 09:56:48 GMT 2008 From /weblog/software_engineering/testing


Links for checklists / cookbook for software testing[..]archives/2007/05/you_are_not_don_31.html[..]s/2007/02/testheuristicscheatsheetv1.pdf

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Wed Mar 26 17:05:05 GMT 2008 From /weblog/software_engineering


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Mon Mar 17 17:25:31 GMT 2008 From /weblog/software_engineering/team

Gopal Shenoy’s experience

1. Hiring is the most important thing you do at work and always hire people smarter than you
2. A manager’s success is all about making his/her reports successful in what they do
3. You cannot move up in the company unless you train your replacement
4. It is all about “relationships” and not “products”
5. Only viewpoint that matters is that of the customer
6. There is a big difference between products that customers will “buy” vs. products customers “like”
7. Be “market driven” and not be “marketing driven”. There is a big difference
8. Have technical and business arguments with colleagues as long as none of it turns personal
9. Have meetings before the meeting
10. Trying and failing is a lot better than failing to try
11. Execution is the key to being successful[..]arnt-at-solidworks-in-the-last-11-years/

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Mon Feb 04 18:13:21 GMT 2008 From /weblog/software_engineering


Iterationg and incrementing are difference

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Mon Jan 28 06:34:36 GMT 2008 From /weblog/software_engineering/team


What worst than often OT? Having metrics to show OT help the project -

Some arguement against work more than 8 hours a day -[..]8/01/40-hour-week-is-not-just-about.html

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Tue Jan 01 16:43:12 GMT 2008 From /weblog/software_engineering/testing


TDD in academia: a brief review -[..]icle-new-millenium-has-seen-growing.html

Interesting idea, write the test and see if any code at internet passed the test -

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Fri Dec 07 10:06:44 GMT 2007 From /weblog/software_engineering

eat your own dog food

Few links about this "name"[..]onate_users/2005/02/users_arent_dan.html

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Sat Nov 17 02:03:59 GMT 2007 From /weblog/software_engineering/team

user group

Have the idea of starting minor interest group / user group of various technology inside a company. Hope someday it happened and these information help[..]ow-to-make-a-successful-java-user-group/

Fishbowl (conversation), setup a small group from large group for team discussion -

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Mon Oct 22 16:25:14 GMT 2007 From /weblog/software_engineering

sign of too much process

You might not be agile if. . .

1. The ��Send/Receive�� and ��Save As�� buttons initiate most team communication.

2. Your whiteboards are mostly white.

3. ��Test-driven�� still refers to your car.

4. You don��t yet know what PHB stands for. (It's the "pointy haired boss" in the "Dilbert" comic strip.)

5. You know that CPM stands for critical path method of project management, and continue to rely upon it.

6. You spend more time trying to manage project dependencies than remove them.

7. Someone still believes in the ��Can��t Chart.�� (Oops, that��s the Gantt chart.)

8. Developers only develop, testers only test, and managers just manage.

9. Simplicity is presumed to be simple.

10. A change control board meets . . . ever.

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Fri Aug 24 05:20:52 GMT 2007 From /weblog/software_engineering/testing


A blog about BDD -

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Sat Mar 03 04:43:34 GMT 2007 From /weblog/software_engineering/team

knowledge management

Various tools and approach to Preserving Knowledge, I think the best is to
build custom webpage like what I does :-)[..]iscussGroup=3&cReplies=#discussBody12480

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Thu Mar 01 07:32:47 GMT 2007 From /weblog/software_engineering

Fix Scope

These are the reasons why I think fixed scope and price contracts are bad for
the customer. It's why we at ThoughtWorks avoid this model as much as we can.
It is possible to do a FixedPrice contract in an agile manner, but it's not
wise to fix the scope.

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Tue Feb 27 12:03:42 GMT 2007 From /weblog/software_engineering/testing

test generated html

A showcase of how to setup a test for JSP and discussion of that[..]cles/2007/02/11/testing-guis-part-ii-jsp[..]007/02/11/dependency-management-httpunit

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Fri Jan 12 02:40:28 GMT 2007 From /weblog/software_engineering/testing

Test base on Log

A tools that support test base on log output for legucy program -

And other similiar tools is vise -

Both sound very useful for test legucy code

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Sun May 07 12:26:42 GMT 2006 From /weblog/software_engineering/SCM

File System

A very nice example that use subversion as a datasource at other application, great idea IMHO:

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Fri Mar 31 16:24:06 GMT 2006 From /weblog/software_engineering/testing

importance of usability test

Default value is important to user:[..]iscussTopicParent=27244&ixDiscussGroup=4

And a discussion about confirmation and [yes] [no] button position:

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Mon Nov 28 10:01:35 GMT 2005 From /weblog/software_engineering/project

big project

The problem with big projects like Java or rewriting Unix or designing the Sparc chip is that they require a five-year commitment. So when you come right down to it, I had to decide, "Do I want to push this big rock up a hill again?" Not this time.

Bill Gates faced a similar choice with his Longhorn project. He probably has a lot of great ideas and all these brilliant people, but he also has this antecedent condition he has to take into account?Xkeeping it somewhat in sync with the old Windows. So the beautiful vision may fail because it has to be compatible. I've often wondered why they can't, for once, do something new. I mean really, really new? But then, when I asked myself that same question, that's when I knew I had to leave Sun.,15935,490598,00.html

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Thu Oct 27 04:13:59 GMT 2005 From /weblog/software_engineering/testing

firefox function test generater

A firefox plugin can record user action and generate functional test.[..].com/wiki/index.php/Projects:TestGen4Web

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