Thu Mar 18 13:34:48 GMT 2021 cook tips【明報專訊】「煎羊架時,加少許迷迭香(Rosemary)及芥辣同煮,可去卻羶味,但芥辣易焦,不宜大火煮,應熄火後才落鑊。」 ──WoolooMooloo 大廚Johnny Shen 「儲存冰鮮羊肉切忌流失水分。未煎前,用橄欖油、蒜片、香草浸泡,可保水分不失。」 ──樓上樓海鮮火鍋 大廚劉松堅 In fact, the scientific evidence shows that the best technique to retain vitamins and nutrients when cooking vegetables is to use short cooking times and use as little liquid as possible. This means that using a microwave is a good method of cooking because fewer of the good things are lost – unlike boiling where they end up in the cooking water. -[..]25-the-hidden-risks-of-cooking-your-food Don't fried -[..]d-stroke-cardiovascular-health-82356673/ Slideshow: 12 Pantry Staples You Should Never Run Out Of - (google search) (amazon search) second |